I keep thinking that I am doing my last earthquake post, but it is not to be... The period of mourning was to provide no closure as fear spread on the streets Monday night due to a report that a strong aftershock (6-7 on Richter scale) was expected. We could hear trucks broadcasting something in the streets and the security cops were out in full force. Finally, at about eleven, we decided to join those who were going to sleep outside again. I ended up joining a group of foreign students on the sports field at Chuan Da university. We were in a big 'tent town' like many that have sprung up all over the city in the past week, occupied by people whose homes have been damaged too much for living. These semipermanent tent town residents were joined by us single nighters (mostly just with blankets).
The night was warm at first but grew quite cold and hardly any of us slept. As for the expected aftershock, we got a few but none stronger than 5 - barely a wobble. The week's events have really taken their toll on people psychologically and many of the foreign students including some of my friends have decided to return to their home countries.
A friend has just sent me a message about an official announcement of no more aftershocks (hmmmmm, did they pass a law?). I will be stupid tired for the rest of the day.
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