Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Guess The Place!

Last week I had to leave the country for a visa run, and didn't want to return to Hong Kong. I also had only one slot left in the passport and didn't want to go anywhere I needed a visa, like Cambodia or Thailand.

The language on this sign is a giveaway!

Yep, Macau. I had Portuguese food for the first time, I think, in my life. It was a treat to sit in a nice quiet restaurant and order non-Chinese food with some very inexpensive and good wine and eat with a fork. (Though, I think I have forgotten how to eat with a fork. I kept hitting my teeth with the tines.)

This is one little alley on one the middle island, which had great Portuguese gelato.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Rainy Day Lotus at the Hospital Grounds

Shot this lotus while visiting a friend who is recovering from an operation.